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Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics May 4 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics May 4 Update


  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of the year are above normal. Water content variances are ~160% to ~368% above normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • A general freeze-thaw cycle is expected where overnight temperatures are forecast to remain below freezing over the next 7 days. Daytime temperatures are expected to range from 0°C to +9°C over the next 7 days.
  • Winter drawdown of Mesomikenda, Mattagami Lake, Wawaitin and Peter Long have been completed, and where possible, these reservoirs have been drawn lower than normal in preparation for the snowmelt. As a result of the recent rain and snowmelt conditions, inflows are higher than normal for this time of year and storage reservoirs are being managed in consultation with the Flood Advisory Committee in an attempt to “peak shave” and mitigate high water concerns in the City of Timmins.
  • Town Creek, Crawford Creek and other area watercourses are flowing well. All watercourses will continue to be closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff. Stream flows and water levels continue to be monitored on a daily basis.
  • The Timmins Flood Advisory Committee has been meeting regularly to review current conditions. Currently, there is Flood Warning messaging for the Mattagami River. This Flood Warning will remain in effect until May 8, 2020 and then re-evaluated based on current conditions.
  • OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow –

The next update will be issued on or about May 15, 2020.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 360-2660 or via email at [email protected].

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2020.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 16 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 16 Update


Below, you will find the latest Watershed Statistics Update for 2020.

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of the year are above normal, except for the Mattagami and Gogama snowcourse stations, which are slightly below normal at 98.0% and 88.1% respectively. Water content variances, for the other stations are 124.1% to 160.0% above normal through the rest of the Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • A general freeze-thaw cycle is expected over the next week as nighttime temperatures drop below 0°C. Current forecasts show minimal precipitation with no major weather systems expected over the coming week. Daytime temperatures are expected to range from -3°C to +7°C over the next 7 days.
  • Winter drawdown of Mesomikenda, Mattagami Lake, Wawaitin and Peter Long have been completed, and where possible, these reservoirs have been drawn lower than normal over the winter in preparation for freshet. As a result of the recent rain and snowmelt, we have seen some of these reservoirs begin to build, and inflows are about normal for this time of year. Storage reservoirs are being managed in consultation with the Timmins Flood Advisory Committee.
  • Local area creeks, including Town and Crawford Creek, are in good shape.
    Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff for the potential of ice damming.
  • OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow –
  • The next Update will be issued on, or about May 1.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 360-2660 or via email at [email protected].

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2020.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms. Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 2 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 2 Update


Below, you will find the latest Watershed Statistics Update for 2020.

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of the year are above normal, except for the Porcupine and Shillington snowcourse stations, which are normal and slightly below, respectively. Water content variances, for the other stations are 113.6% to 157.4% above normal through the rest of the Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts show minimal precipitation with no major weather systems expected over the coming week. Daytime temperatures are expected to range from 0°C to +10°C over the next 7 days.
  • Winter drawdown of Mesomikenda, Mattagami Lake, Peter Long and Wawaitin are complete and reservoirs are being held near the bottom until the onset of freshet.
  • Local area creeks, including Town and Crawford Creek, are in good shape. Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff for the potential of ice damming.
  • The Timmins Flood Advisory Committee will commence teleconference meetings April 2.
  • The next Update will be issued on or about April 15, 2020.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 360-2660 or via email at [email protected].

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics Report page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2020.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms. Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. 

COVID-19 Service Disruption Updates 150 150 MRCA

COVID-19 Service Disruption Updates

MARCH 31, 2020

The latest information from the Office of the Premier is as follows:

Ontario Extends Emergency Declaration to Stop the Spread of COVID-19

All Outdoor Recreational Amenities across Province Now Closed
This new order would close all communal or shared, public or private, outdoor recreational amenities everywhere in Ontario, including but not limited to playgrounds, sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, off-leash dog parks, beaches, skateboard and BMX parks, picnic areas, outdoor community gardens, park shelters, outdoor exercise equipment, condo parks and gardens, and other outdoor recreational amenities. Green spaces in parks, trails, ravines and conservation areas that aren’t otherwise closed would remain open for walkthrough access, but individuals must maintain the safe physical distance of at least two metres apart from others. Ontario’s provincial parks and conservation reserves remain closed. (see the full media release)

MRCA staff continue to work remotely and are available by email. Trails are not being maintained, other than weekly garbage pick up. We fully support the public health recommendations that everyone stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19.

If you continue to use our trails and conservation areas, we ask that you maintain your social distance from others, keep dogs on leash, pick up after your pet, and please use the provided cans to dispose of any garbage. If you see any major damage, please contact our office at [email protected]

Stay home, stay well and stop the spread of COVID-19.

For the most up-to-date health information see:

Public Health Agency of Canada

Ontario Ministry of Health

Public Health Ontario

MARCH 24, 2020

The Mattagami Region Conservation Authority continues to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and take steps to protect the health and safety of our staff and community.

Our office is closed until further notice. Staff are working remotely during this time and are monitoring emails. There is no voicemail access. If you wish to contact a staff member see our contact us page for email addresses. For general inquiries, or if you are unsure which person to contact, please email [email protected]. We are committed to providing the best possible service and will work with you through email to ensure your questions are answered.

Our essential services such as flood forecasting and monitoring will continue without interruption. We will also continue to review development and site alteration applications.

Trails and conservation areas will remain open to the public, however there will be limited maintenance until further notice. Trails in the Hersey Lake and Gillies Lake Conservation Areas will no longer be groomed. Please use discretion, as you are entering at your own risk. Washroom facilities are not to be used.

We remind all visitors that dogs MUST be on leashes in all conservation areas and on our trails. Be sure to properly dispose of pet waste. Please help keep conservation areas beautiful during this difficult period.

Do not use our conservation areas and trails for social gatherings of any kind. For the safety of our community, it is critical that we support global and local efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. The Ontario Ministry of Health currently (as of March 24) recommends “Everyone in Ontario should be practicing social distancing to reduce their exposure to other people. Everyone in Ontario should do their best to avoid close contact with people outside of their immediate families. Close contact includes being within two (2) meters of another person.”

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may cause however the health and safety of our staff and community is of the utmost importance.

MARCH 17, 2020

Safety is our number one priority at the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. We are taking all possible steps to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. As of today, March 17, 2020, our office is closed to the general public. Staff continue to be available by phone or email. Please refer to our staff directory for contact information.

Essential services including watershed monitoring, flood forecasting programs and planning requests are ongoing. We will continue to communicate flood information to municipal representatives and post updates on our website and social media.

Access to trails in our conservation areas remains open for the public to enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of being out in nature. We remind visitors that dogs are to be leashed at all times and owners are to pick up after their dogs. We caution Hersey Lake Conservation Area users that the park outhouses/washrooms are not regularly disinfected throughout the winter months. They are not closed, but should be used with caution.

While possible, we will continue to groom the Hersey Lake and Gillies Lake trails for walking.

If changes to our offered services are required at any time, we will notify the public via our website and social media channels.

COVID-19 Service Disruption Updates 150 150 MRCA

COVID-19 Service Disruption Updates

MARCH 24, 2020

The Mattagami Region Conservation Authority continues to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and take steps to protect the health and safety of our staff and community.

Our office is closed until further notice. Staff are working remotely during this time and are monitoring emails. There is no voicemail access. If you wish to contact a staff member see our contact us page for email addresses. For general inquiries, or if you are unsure which person to contact, please email [email protected]. We are committed to providing the best possible service and will work with you through email to ensure your questions are answered.

Our essential services such as flood forecasting and monitoring will continue without interruption. We will also continue to review development and site alteration applications.

Trails and conservation areas will remain open to the public, however there will be limited maintenance until further notice. Trails in the Hersey Lake and Gillies Lake Conservation Areas will no longer be groomed. Please use discretion, as you are entering at your own risk. Washroom facilities are not to be used.

We remind all visitors that dogs MUST be on leashes in all conservation areas and on our trails. Be sure to properly dispose of pet waste. Please help keep conservation areas beautiful during this difficult period.

Do not use our conservation areas and trails for social gatherings of any kind. For the safety of our community, it is critical that we support global and local efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. The Ontario Ministry of Health currently (as of March 24) recommends “Everyone in Ontario should be practicing social distancing to reduce their exposure to other people. Everyone in Ontario should do their best to avoid close contact with people outside of their immediate families. Close contact includes being within two (2) meters of another person.”

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may cause however the health and safety of our staff and community is of the utmost importance.

For the most up-to-date health information see:

Public Health Agency of Canada

Ontario Ministry of Health

Public Health Ontario

MARCH 17, 2020

Safety is our number one priority at the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. We are taking all possible steps to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. As of today, March 17, 2020, our office is closed to the general public. Staff continue to be available by phone or email. Please refer to our staff directory for contact information.

Essential services including watershed monitoring, flood forecasting programs and planning requests are ongoing. We will continue to communicate flood information to municipal representatives and post updates on our website and social media.

Access to trails in our conservation areas remains open for the public to enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of being out in nature. We remind visitors that dogs are to be leashed at all times and owners are to pick up after their dogs. We caution Hersey Lake Conservation Area users that the park outhouses/washrooms are not regularly disinfected throughout the winter months. They are not closed, but should be used with caution.

While possible, we will continue to groom the Hersey Lake and Gillies Lake trails for walking.

If changes to our offered services are required at any time, we will notify the public via our website and social media channels.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 17 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 17 Update

Watershed Update-March 17, 2020

Below, you will find the latest Watershed Statistics Update for 2020.

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of the year are above normal, except for the Shillington and Gogama snowcourse stations, which are normal and slightly below, respectively. Water content variances, for the other stations are 110.6% to 143.9% above normal through the rest of the Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts show scattered flurries over the coming week with daytime temperatures ranging from -6°C to +5°C with no major systems expected.
  • Winter drawdown of Mesomikenda is complete. Mattagami Lake and Peter Long are still in drawdown. The dams are currently set up to continue drawdown until refilling begins in April. Relatively normal inflows have persisted throughout the winter. Wawaitin elevation is normal for this time of year and the lake will be drawn over the coming weeks in preparation for spring melt.
  • The enclosed portions of Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.
  • The Authority’s new Flood Contingency Plan was updated and distributed to municipal, provincial and agency partners.
  • As a precaution to help limit the spread of COVID-19, the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority has cancelled all face-to-face meetings. As a result, the Timmins Flood Advisory Committee (TFAC) meeting has been postponed until further notice, but the MRCA will remain in contact with the TFAC members should the need arise to communicate.
  • The next update will be issued on or about April 1, 2020.
  • If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 360-2660.

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics Report page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2020.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms. Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. 

COVID-19 Updates 150 150 MRCA

COVID-19 Updates

Safety is our number one priority at the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. We are taking all possible steps to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. As of today, March 17, 2020, our office is closed to the general public. Staff continue to be available by phone or email. Please refer to our staff directory for contact information.

Essential services including watershed monitoring, flood forecasting programs and planning requests are ongoing. We will continue to communicate flood information to municipal representatives and post updates on our website and social media.

Access to trails in our conservation areas remains open for the public to enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of being out in nature. We remind visitors that dogs are to be leashed at all times and owners are to pick up after their dogs. We caution Hersey Lake Conservation Area users that the park outhouses/washrooms are not regularly disinfected throughout the winter months. They are not closed, but should be used with caution.

While possible, we will continue to groom the Hersey Lake and Gillies Lake trails for walking.

If changes to our offered services are required at any time, we will notify the public via our website and social media channels.

For the most up-to-date health information see:

Public Health Agency of Canada

Ontario Ministry of Health

Public Health Ontario

Protecting People and Property: Ontario’s Flooding Strategy 150 150 MRCA

Protecting People and Property: Ontario’s Flooding Strategy

Ontario is taking action to protect people and property by strengthening the province’s preparedness for flooding because the safety of the public and the protection of our communities is our number one priority.

In response to Ontario’s Special Advisor on Flooding report released last November, and the call from the communities around the province to address the issue of flooding, Ontario has released Protecting People and Property: Ontario’s Flooding Strategy, available here. The Strategy introduces a series of new and enhanced actions that will help Ontario better prepare for, respond to, and recover from significant flood events.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 3 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 3 Update

Watershed Update-March 3, 2020

Please find below the first Watershed Statistics Update for 2020.

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of year are above normal. Water content variances are 106.6% to 183.7% above normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts show scattered flurries over the coming week with daytime temperatures ranging from -13°C to +1o°C over the next 5 to 7 days with no major weather systems expected.
  • Winter drawdown of Mesomikenda, Mattagami Lake, and Peter Long are ongoing. The dams are currently set up to continue drawdown until refilling begins in April. Relatively normal inflows have persisted throughout the winter. Wawaitin will be passing inflows until March 15, 2020.
  • The enclosed portions of Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.
  • The Authority’s new Flood Contingency Plan is currently being updated and will be distributed to watershed stakeholders within the next two weeks.
  • The next Update will be issued on or about March 16.
  • If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660.

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics Report page to download the current watershed statistics report and for the full list of reports for 2020. 

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority.  The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. 

Wintergreen Hosting Hiking Day – February 22, 2020 150 150 MRCA

Wintergreen Hosting Hiking Day – February 22, 2020


Join us for a FREE fun-filled afternoon of guided winter hikes exploring the Hersey Lake Conservation Area. Walk through a northern deciduous forest and enjoy the beautiful winter views. Learn more about the Conservation Area and how plants and animals have adapted to survive the cold of a northern winter. Anyone interested in trying snowshoeing can do so by participating in the snowshoe portion of the event. You are encouraged to bring your own snowshoes (there will be a limited number to borrow on site thanks to the Misiway Milopemahtesewin Community Health Centre). The event will feature presentations from Timmins Porcupine Search and Rescue and the Timmins Fur Council. A warming tent will also be available, courtesy of Sewn Home for those needing to get out of the cold. Hot chocolate will be served by Wintergreen volunteers until 2:00 p.m.

12:00-12:05  Meet at Hersey Lake picnic shelter
12:05-12:30  Timmins-Porcupine Search and Rescue Winter Survival Presentation
12:30-1:30  Intro to Snowshoeing and Guided Snowshoe Hike
12:30-1:30  Lynx Lake Guided Hike – Long Hike
12:30-1:30  Hersey Lake Promenade Guided Hike – Short Hike
1:30-1:50  Timmins Fur Council Presentation
1:30-2:00  Refreshments available

All hikes are FREE and are guided by experienced volunteer leaders. No registration required.

Follow our Facebook page to find out about upcoming events.