
The Mattagami Region Conservation Authority is governed through a Board of Directors which is responsible for all decisions concerning policy, budgets and regulations. Funding for the administration and operation of the Conservation Authority is shared by the City of Timmins and the Province of Ontario. Other sources of revenue include various fees and leases, special federal and provincial grants as well as private and corporate donations.

The MRCA is a community-based environmental protection agency that has been actively involved in the management and protection of our watershed resources for over 50 years. Our goal is to make sure we have a healthy environment in which to work and play both now and in the years to come.

MRCA Board of Directors

Rock Whissell - City Councillor Ward 1
Rock Whissell, Chair - City Councillor Ward 1

Andrew Marks - City Councillor Ward 5
Andrew Marks, Vice-Chair - City Councillor Ward 5

Lorne Feldman - City Councillor Ward 2
Lorne Feldman, Member - City Councillor Ward 2

Bill Gvozdanovic - City Councillor Ward 3
Bill Gvozdanovic, Member - City Councillor Ward 3

Joe Torlone - Public Board Member
Joe Torlone - Public Board Member


If you or your organization wish to address the Authority, we ask that you make your request in writing to the General Manager at least 14 days in advance of a scheduled meeting. Please include a brief statement of the issue involved and indicate the name of the proposed speaker. Requests received within this timeline will be listed on the published agenda.

If a written request has not been submitted, delegations may appear before the meeting if approved by a ruling of two-thirds of the Directors of the meeting.

Delegations are limited to one speaker for not more than fifteen (15) minutes. Respect for delegations and for fellow members requires that all members show courtesy and not distract from the business of the Authority during presentations and when other members have the floor.

Conservation Authority Meetings

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024
Meeting cancelled

OCTOBER 2, 2024

NOVEMBER 14, 2024

Board Member Login

DECEMBER 4, 2024

MAY 1, 2024

JUNE 3, 2024

JULY 3, 2024

AUGUST 7, 2024
Meeting cancelled

JANUARY 3, 2024
Meeting cancelled

FEBRUARY 7, 2024

MARCH 6, 2024

APRIL 3, 2024
Meeting cancelled

Administrative Documentation

To access archived Board Meeting Minutes, please contact [email protected]

Conservation Authorities Act Amendments: Programs and Services Inventory

Conservation Authorities Act Amendments: Transition Plan-Municipal Funding Agreements

Mattagami Region Conservation Authority Administrative & Governance By-laws

Order-in-Council 4733/61 to establish the Mattagami Valley Conservation Authority in 1961.

Order-in-Council 322/74 to enlarge the authority area to be known as the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority.

Member Municipality Agreements