COVID-19 Service Disruption Updates
APRIL 17, 2021
Under the enhanced public health measures implemented by the Province of Ontario our conservation area picnic benches are cordoned off. Our trails and recreation areas will remain open for people to walk through. Please do not use these open spaces for gathering with others. Wear a mask at all times where social distancing is not possible – that includes many areas of our trail system.
APRIL 8, 2021
As per the Province of Ontario’s Stay-at-Home Order, the MRCA office will once again be closed to the public. Staff will continue to be available to assist you virtually. Inquiries can be emailed to, or you can see our contact us page for direct email addresses. While using our trails and conservation areas, please remember to follow all public health guidelines including limiting close contact to only the people you live with, maintaining a social distance of 2 metres/6 feet from others, wearing a mask and staying at home if you don’t feel well or think you may have had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.
FEBRUARY 16, 2021
Our office is once again open to the public, however we recommend calling ahead to book an appointment if you intend to meet with any of our staff.
- Visitors are required to physically distance and wear a face covering.
- If you:
- are feeling unwell,
- have any new or unexplained symptoms (respiratory or other),
- have been in close contact with someone who was tested for, or is confirmed to have COVID-19, OR
- have travelled outside of Canada within the past 14 days,
we ask that you stay home and contact us by phone or email.
We ask that you continue to use our trails and recreational areas safely and in accordance with the physical distancing and mask wearing recommendations.
JANUARY 14, 2021
Our office remains closed to the public, but staff are still available to assist you via telephone and email. The MRCA trails and conservation areas will remain open to allow individuals and families to enjoy time outdoors safely. We are counting on people to be responsible while using these outdoor areas.
- Practice physical distancing by staying 2 metres away from others.
- On our more narrow trails, wear a mask or face covering since physical distancing is not always possible.
- Bring your own hand sanitizer and clean your hands regularly.
- Do not gather in groups.
- Stay home if you have ANY symptoms of COVID-19.
- Continue to follow public health advice at all times.
JANUARY 4, 2021
Following the Province of Ontario’s direction for a province-wide shutdown, our office will remain closed to the public until January 11, 2021. Staff are still available via telephone or email. If you wish to contact a staff member see our contact us page for email addresses. For general inquiries, or if you are unsure which person to contact, please email
JULY 7, 2020
Most operations at the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority have returned to normal.
Washrooms are open at the Gillies Lake and Hersey Lake Conservation Areas. Please note that soap and water are not available in the Hersey washrooms so carrying your own hand sanitizer is advised. Mountjoy Historical washrooms are still closed.
Exercise and play equipment is still closed off. Picnic and beach areas are open, however government recommended social distancing guidelines are to followed at all times.
Trail and property maintenance crews are at work, at we ask that you keep your distance from them at all times.
APRIL 29, 2020
Springtime weather is upon us and we all want to get outside to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Please be aware that there is still concern for the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
Amenities such as washrooms, picnic areas, exercise and play exercise equipment at our Conservation Areas are all closed. This includes Gillies Lake, Mountjoy Historical, White Waterfront and Hersey Lake. These areas will remain open for walkthrough access only, until the provincial government allows for the re-opening of public park spaces. Please continue to follow public health guidelines and practice physical distancing when being active outside.
Feel free to spend time outside if you:
- Are only with people from your household (no additional friends or family members)
- Have not been diagnosed with COVID-19
- Do not have symptoms of COVID-19
- Have not travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days
- Can maintain a 2-metre distance from individuals that you may encounter
Stay home, stay well and stop the spread of COVID-19.
For the most up-to-date health information see:
MARCH 31, 2020
The latest information from the Office of the Premier is as follows:
Ontario Extends Emergency Declaration to Stop the Spread of COVID-19
All Outdoor Recreational Amenities across Province Now Closed
This new order would close all communal or shared, public or private, outdoor recreational amenities everywhere in Ontario, including but not limited to playgrounds, sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, off-leash dog parks, beaches, skateboard and BMX parks, picnic areas, outdoor community gardens, park shelters, outdoor exercise equipment, condo parks and gardens, and other outdoor recreational amenities. Green spaces in parks, trails, ravines and conservation areas that aren’t otherwise closed would remain open for walkthrough access, but individuals must maintain the safe physical distance of at least two metres apart from others. Ontario’s provincial parks and conservation reserves remain closed. (see the full media release)
MRCA staff continue to work remotely and are available by email. Trails are not being maintained, other than weekly garbage pick up. We fully support the public health recommendations that everyone stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19.
If you continue to use our trails and conservation areas, we ask that you maintain your social distance from others, keep dogs on leash, pick up after your pet, and please use the provided cans to dispose of any garbage. If you see any major damage, please contact our office at
MARCH 24, 2020
The Mattagami Region Conservation Authority continues to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and take steps to protect the health and safety of our staff and community.
Our office is closed until further notice. Staff are working remotely during this time and are monitoring emails. There is no voicemail access. If you wish to contact a staff member see our contact us page for email addresses. For general inquiries, or if you are unsure which person to contact, please email We are committed to providing the best possible service and will work with you through email to ensure your questions are answered.
Our essential services such as flood forecasting and monitoring will continue without interruption. We will also continue to review development and site alteration applications.
Trails and conservation areas will remain open to the public, however there will be limited maintenance until further notice. Trails in the Hersey Lake and Gillies Lake Conservation Areas will no longer be groomed. Please use discretion, as you are entering at your own risk. Washroom facilities are not to be used.
We remind all visitors that dogs MUST be on leashes in all conservation areas and on our trails. Be sure to properly dispose of pet waste. Please help keep conservation areas beautiful during this difficult period.
Do not use our conservation areas and trails for social gatherings of any kind. For the safety of our community, it is critical that we support global and local efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. The Ontario Ministry of Health currently (as of March 24) recommends “Everyone in Ontario should be practicing social distancing to reduce their exposure to other people. Everyone in Ontario should do their best to avoid close contact with people outside of their immediate families. Close contact includes being within two (2) meters of another person.”
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may cause however the health and safety of our staff and community is of the utmost importance.
MARCH 17, 2020
Safety is our number one priority at the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. We are taking all possible steps to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. As of today, March 17, 2020, our office is closed to the general public. Staff continue to be available by phone or email. Please refer to our staff directory for contact information.
Essential services including watershed monitoring, flood forecasting programs and planning requests are ongoing. We will continue to communicate flood information to municipal representatives and post updates on our website and social media.
Access to trails in our conservation areas remains open for the public to enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of being out in nature. We remind visitors that dogs are to be leashed at all times and owners are to pick up after their dogs. We caution Hersey Lake Conservation Area users that the park outhouses/washrooms are not regularly disinfected throughout the winter months. They are not closed, but should be used with caution.
While possible, we will continue to groom the Hersey Lake and Gillies Lake trails for walking.
If changes to our offered services are required at any time, we will notify the public via our website and social media channels.