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Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics May 3, 2024 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics May 3, 2024 Update

Watershed Update – May 3, 2024

  • The snow course sampling sites were absent of snow and the consensus among the surveying organizations is that no further snow course sampling is expected.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from +10°C to +22°C with minimal precipitation expected over the next 5 to 7 days.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami watershed have decreased from their previous peaks but have sustained at elevated levels from continued precipitation. All reservoirs upstream of Timmins continue to build.
  • Further updates will be issued as required.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2024.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 16, 2024 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 16, 2024 Update

Watershed Update – April 16, 2024

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of year are below normal. Water content variances are ~26% to ~75% below normal for a majority of the Upper Mattagami Watershed. The Shining Tree snow station was free of snow.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from +4°C to +11°C over with minimal precipitation expected over the next 5 to 7 days.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami watershed have now increased and are at elevated levels with the recent precipitation and snow melt. All reservoirs are currently building upstream of Timmins.
  • Town Creek, Crawford Creek and other area watercourses are flowing well. All watercourses will continue to be closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.
  • The next update will be issued on or about May 2, 2024

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2024.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 4, 2024 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 4, 2024 Update

Watershed Update – April 4, 2024

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of year are below normal. Water content variances are 5% to 91% below normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from +5°C to +17°C over the next 5 to 7 days with no major weather systems expected.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami watershed have remained slightly higher than normal through the month of March due to some rain and slightly warmer than average temperatures. Inflows are expected to increase in the coming week while the remaining snowpack begins to melt due to forecasted warmer temperatures. Mattagami Lake, Peterlong and Wawaitin are all continuing to drawdown while Mesomikenda is currently building slowly.
  • Portions of Town Creek, Crawford Creek and other area watercourses are flowing well. All watercourses will continue to be closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.
  • The next update will be issued on or about April 17.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2024.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 19, 2024 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 19, 2024 Update

Watershed Update – March 19, 2024

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of year are below normal. Water content variances are 19.6% to 83.0% below normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from -11°C to +2°C over the next 5 to 7 days with no major weather systems expected.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami watershed increased near the beginning of March due to warmer than average temperatures along with some rain.
  • Inflows are currently holding at slightly higher than normal levels but are anticipated to decrease with the onset of cooler weather. Reservoir drawdowns were slowed by an increase in inflows but are anticipated to continue to draw with a forecasted reduction in inflows. The exception to the drawdown is at Mesomikenda where some logs were replaced to begin a gradual rebuild.
  • The enclosed portions of Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.
  • The Authority’s Flood Contingency Plan has been distributed to watershed stakeholders.
  • The next Update will be issued on or about April 3.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2024.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 5, 2024 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 5, 2024 Update

Watershed Update – March 5, 2024

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of year are below normal. Water content variances are 52% to 75% below normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from -3°C to +7°C over the next 5 to 7 days with some minor precipitation expected.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami watershed are near normal and have seen slight increases in the last couple of days due to mild temperatures and recent precipitation. Reservoir elevations are continuing to draw down, with the exception being Wawaitin, where the elevation is holding.
  • The enclosed portions of Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.
  • The Authority’s Flood Contingency Plan has been updated and will be distributed to watershed stakeholders in March.
  • The next Update will be issued on or about March 19.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2024.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics May 5, 2023 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics May 5, 2023 Update

Watershed Update – May 5, 2023

  • The snow course sampling sites, except for Gogama, were absent of snow and the consensus among the surveying organizations is that no further snow course sampling is expected. The Gogama snow course site water content reading was negligible and not recorded.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from +16°C to +22°C with minimal precipitation expected over the next 5 to 7 days.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami watershed are higher than normal.  Reservoirs upstream are nearing the top of their ranges, while upstream inflows are holding/slightly decreasing while the local inflows to Timmins have started to decrease.

Further updates will be issued as required.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2023.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 18, 2023 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 18, 2023 Update

Watershed Update – April 18, 2023

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of year are below normal.  Water content variances are ~28% to ~78% below normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from +2°C to +11°C with minimal precipitation expected over the next 5 to 7 days.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami River watershed have increased significantly due to the high temperatures and resulting snow melt.  Reservoirs upstream are all now building while local inflows through the City are high and continue to increase.
  • Town Creek, Crawford Creek and other area watercourses are flowing well.  All watercourses will continue to be closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.

The next Update will be issued on or about May 2, 2023.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2023.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 4, 2023 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics April 4, 2023 Update

Watershed Update – April 4, 2023

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions vary across the watershed… depending on the sample location.
  • Water content variances are ~76% below, to ~135% above normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from -3°C to +10°C with some mixed precipitation expected over the next 5 to 7 days.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami River watershed remain stable and are trending slightly below normal for the end of March. Winter drawdown of Mesomikenda, Mattagami and Peterlong is complete while Wawaitin is ongoing and nearing completion.
  • The enclosed portions of Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.

The next Update will be issued on or about April 18.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2023.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 20, 2023 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 20, 2023 Update

Watershed Update – March 20, 2023

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of year are below normal, with one site slightly above normal. Water content variances are 61% to 80.4% below normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed, with one site slightly above at 104.7%.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from -7°C to +4°C over the next 5 to 7 days with no major weather systems expected.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami River watershed are relatively stable at this time and slightly above normal. Winter drawdown of Mesomikenda is complete while Mattagami and Peterlong is underway.
  • The enclosed portions of Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.
  • The Authority’s Flood Contingency Plan has been updated and will be distributed to watershed stakeholders the week of March 20, 2023.

The next Update will be issued on or about April 3.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2023.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 3, 2023 Update 150 150 MRCA

Upper Mattagami Watershed Statistics March 3, 2023 Update

Watershed Update – March 3, 2023

  • Generally, snow depth and water content conditions for this time of year are below normal. Water content variances are 71% to 93% below normal through the entire Upper Mattagami Watershed.
  • Current forecasts over the coming week show daytime temperatures ranging from -8°C to +2°C over the next 5 to 7 days with no major weather systems expected.
  • Inflows across the Upper Mattagami River watershed are relatively flat at this time and slightly above normal. Winter drawdown of Mesomikenda is nearing completion while Mattagami and Peterlong is underway.
  • The enclosed portions of Town Creek and Crawford Creek are being closely watched by Authority and Municipal staff.
  • The Authority’s Flood Contingency Plan is being updated and will be distributed to watershed stakeholders in March.

The next Update will be issued on or about March 20.

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View OPG River System Data / Water Levels and Flow

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Conservation Authority at 705-360-2660 or via email at [email protected]

See our Upper Mattagami River Watershed Statistics page to download the current watershed statistics and for the full list of reports for 2023.

The information contained in this update has been gathered by Ontario Power Generation, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority. The summary highlights dam operations and storages as well as snow depth and water content in comparison to historical norms.  Watershed surveys will be conducted on the 1st and 15th of each month until the snow cover has disappeared. Updates will be issued until such time any flood threat has passed.