Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The Board of Directors and staff of the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority built upon lessons learned from our first strategic plan to develop our current plan. This information will guide our activities and decisions over the next 5 years. The following is a summary of the MRCA Strategic Plan 2024-2028.

Our Vision

A healthy, safe and sustainable environment.

Our Mission

We manage the conservation, protection and restoration of our watershed.

Our Goals

Protect People and Property

  1. Increase education and awareness of developmental regulations along water bodies and protected areas by:
    • developing a 5-year communication plan focusing on preventing issues in conservation authority regulated areas.
    • investigating communication options with floodplain residents for flood messaging
    • informing Intake Protection Zone (IPZ) 1 and IPZ 2 residents and businesses of changes to Source Water Protection regulations
  2. Improve permitting and planning approvals processes with other permitting agencies by:
    • educating other permitting agencies on the importance of MRCA permitting
    • streamlining permitting processes with other agencies

Connect People to Nature

  1. Maintain and enhance our conservation areas by:
    • completing a conservation area property and asset audit
    • identifying priorities and budget requirements
    • implementing maintenance and enhancements priorities based on available funds
  2. Maintain and enhance recreation trails maintained by the MRCA by:
    • completing a recreational trail asset audit
    • identifying priorities and budget requirements to ensure user safety and sustainable management according to the MRCA Trail Management Strategy
    • sourcing funding
    • implementing maintenance and enhancement priorities based on available funds

Inspire Watershed Champions

  1. Connect the watershed community through engaged stakeholders by:
    • developing and Integrated Watershed Management Plan with stakeholders
    • developing a Watershed Report Card for publication in 2027
  2. Create a more knowledgeable watershed through education by:
    • developing a portable Water Festival to promote water awareness initiatives at schools and community events

Organizational Efficiencies and Modernization

  1. Improve internal operations and processes by assessing:
    • capital asset plan
    • financial partnerships
    • website and social media analysis
    • electronic file management system
  2. Pursue WSIB Health and Safety Excellence program designation

Our Values


We value transparent decision-making, measure the impact of our actions and continue to focus on being accountable to our environment and citizens.


We can change to meet emerging needs.


We work with volunteers and partners to achieve our shared goals.


We ensure responsible use of our resources.


We continually learn and improve our operations and communications.


We are consistent and fair in our decision-making.


We welcome new opportunities, new technology, creative ideas and solutions.