Property Inquiry Service

If you are unsure whether a specific property falls under the jurisdiction of Ontario Regulation 41/24, you can:

  • contact our office directly,
  • submit a property information request along with the applicable fee,
  • or see our Regulated Areas online mapping tool (Note: Map lines are approximate and there may be some regulated areas which not have been mapped. It is important to know that our regulations still apply. It is always best to contact our office before beginning any work to confirm if you will require a permit. You may still be in a MRCA regulated area —even if you’re outside the floodplain.)

Current property owners, prospective purchasers, or their representatives may request information on a property through our Property Inquiry Service. This service provides important information on whether the property is in, or adjacent to, the following:

  • regulated natural hazards under the Conservation Authorities Act (e.g., floodplains, watercourses, ravines, slopes, wetlands, etc.);
  • natural heritage features on local Official Plans; and
  • source water protection areas regulated under the Clean Water Act, 2006.

The MRCA will provide a letter outlining all of the natural features identified, applicable setbacks, and appropriate reports required. The letter provides a formal record of development related policies and requirements under Ontario Regulation 41/24, the Conservation Authorities Act, the Clean Water Act, 2006, and the City of Timmins Site Alteration By-law.

Please note that a property information request is not a permit and is not permission to start construction.