Ontario Regulation 41/24 Fee Schedule (last updated January 1, 2019)
Property Inquiries and Clearances
- For written responses to legal, real estate, financial institutions, inquires on behalf of landowners or others
Small Works
- Accessory buildings and structures with a floor area of less than 20 metres square
- Additions of less than, or equal to, 20 metres square
- Fill activity less than 100 cubic metres
- Toe protection less than 50 metres with vegetative shoreland buffer
Standard Works
- New buildings, reconstruction, foundation reconstruction, accessory buildings and structures with a total gross floor area of 20 to 100 metres square
- Fill activity of 100 to 500 cubic metres, or grading on a property less than 0.5 hectares in area
- Infrastructure maintenance
- Channel maintenance less than, or equal to, 200 metres in length or 0.5 hectares in area
Large Works
- Buildings with a total gross floor area of 100 to 450 metres square
- Fill activity of 501 to 2000 cubic metres, or grading on property 0.5 to 1.0 hectares in size
- Shoreline alterations between 50 and 500 metres in length
- Infrastructure such as, but not limited to, bridges, culverts, utility crossings less than or equal to 25 metres in width/span
- Channel maintenance greater than 200 metres in length or 0.5 hectares in area
Major Works
- Multiple unit projects or buildings greater than 450 square metres in area or more than 1 hectare per property
- Fill activity greater than 2,000 cubic metres, or grading on a property greater than 1.0 hectares in area
- Shoreline alterations greater than 500 metres in length
- Infrastructure such as, but not limited to, bridges, culverts, utility crossings greater than 25 metres in width/span, and storm water management ponds
- Channelization and alteration to a waterway
Double the normal application fee
- Permit fees for violations under Ontario Regulation 165/06 (work commencing prior to an approved permit being issued)
50% surcharge
- Applications which are amended or resubmitted after approval and including modifications to approved erosion and sediment plans
- Permits valid for two calendar years from the date of application may be renewed prior to lapsing for one more year only
City of Timmins Site Alteration Fee Schedule (effective January 1, 2020)
Category 1: Alteration of Grade
- Greater than 0.15 metre grade change
- No import or export of material
Category 2: Small Site Alteration
- Import and/or export of material in amounts less than 500 cubic metres
Category 3: Large Site Alteration
- Import and/or export of material equal to or greater than 500 cubic metres
- Permits valid for six months may be renewed prior to lapsing upon completion of a permit renewal form